Everyone wants a nice toned tush, but not everyone knows the best way to get one. The majority of people think squats are the best way to get their dream butt, but this just simply isn’t true. Let’s face it, squats are awful, they get boring after about 10. Not everyone is even able to do squats, for example, those of us with bad knees. There is so much more you can do to get that better butt without ever doing a single squat.
Included in this article are 9 exercises to get that better butt, that work better than squats.
  1. Single leg glute bridge
    In this exercise, you start by lying on your back, knees bent, feet close to your butt. Straighten one leg, and squeezing those glutes, lift your hips and butt off the floor. Lower your butt until it’s hovering over the floor, and repeat without touching the ground. Make sure to switch legs!
  2. Hydrants With Leg Extension
    Begin on all fours with your knees hips-width apart and your wrists stacked over your shoulders. Keeping the knee bent to a 90-degree angle, lift the right leg out to hip-height, then extend the raised leg straight out to the side. Pause before you bend the knee again and bring your leg back to starting position to complete one rep.


Begin on all fours with your knees hips-width apart and your wrists stacked over your shoulders. With a pointed toe, extend your right leg and reach the foot toward the ceiling. Slowly lower your leg to tap the floor. Squeeze your glutes as you lift the leg back to starting position, then lower the leg to tap the floor about a foot to the left of your kneeling foot. Return to starting position to complete the rep.
